Class-9 (English Solutions) Beehive (Assam)

 নৱম শ্ৰেণীৰ ইংৰাজী পাঠ্যপুথিৰ সকলো বিভাগৰ প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ সমূহ ইয়াত উপলব্ধ আছে।

The Fun Day Had

Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each.


Q.1 How old are Margie and Tommy?

Answer: Margie is eleven and Tommy is thirteen years old.

Q.2 What did Margie write in her diary?

Answer: Margie wrote in her diary. “Today, 17 May 2157, Tommy found a real book."

Q.3.Had Margie ever seen a book before?

Answer: No, Margie had never seen a book before.

Q.4. What things about the book did she find strange?

Answer: The book had yellow and wrinkled pages.

The words of the book were still. They did not move as the words move on the computer screen. She found these things strange.

Q.5.What do you think a tale book is?

Answer: A tale book is displayed on the television screen and the text of a tale book is similar to a book.

Q.6. Where was Margie’s school? Did she have any classmates?

Answer: Margie’s school was near her bedroom. She did not have any classmates.

Q.7.What subjects did Margie and Tommy learn?

Answer: Margie learned Geography and Mathematics. Tommy learned History and Mathematics.

II. Answer the following concerning the story.


Q. 1.

“I wouldn’t throw it away.”

Who says these words?

What does ‘it’ refer to?

What is it being compared with by the speaker?


Margie says these words.

It refers to that real book that Tommy found.

The speaker compares it with a tale book.

Question 2.

“ Sure, they had a teacher, but it wasn’t a regular teacher. It was a man.”

Who does ‘they’ refer to?

What does ‘regular’ mean here?

What is it contrasted with?


‘They’ refer to the people of the old times.

Here, regularly refers to the mechanical teacher than they had.

It is contrasted with a normal teacher of earlier times, who was a living human being.

(III). Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (about 30 words).

Question 1.

What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?


Margie and Tommy had mechanical teachers. They were taught on computers and television screens. They didn’t have a living person as a teacher who would teach the pupils in a classroom.

Question 2.

Why did Margie’s mother send for the County Inspector?


Margie’s mother sent for the County Inspector because the mechanical teacher was not functioning efficiently. It had been giving her test after geography test and she had been doing worse and worse.

Question 3.

What did he do?


He slowed down the mechanical teacher’s speed up to an average ten-year level. The mechanical teacher’s speed was controlled and adjusted according to their IQ level of Margie.

Question 4.

Why was Margie doing badly in geography? What did the County Inspector do to help her?


Margie had been doing badly in geography. This was because the mechanical teacher was very fast in displaying the questionnaire. The County Inspector adjusted its speed up to an average ten-year level. Thus, the mechanical teacher’s speed was controlled appropriately. The County Inspector assured that the overall pattern of Margie’s progress was quite satisfactory.

Question 5.

What had once happened to Tommy’s teacher?


Tommy’s teacher was taken away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out completely. So, Tommy had nothing to do during that period. He only relaxed and enjoyed.

Question 6.

Did Margie have regular days and hours for school? If so, why?


Yes, Margie had regular days and hours for school because her mother said little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.

Question 7.

How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?


Tommy says that the old schools were different. They had a special building and all the kids went there to study. They laughed and shouted in the schoolyard. They enjoyed time together and learned lessons together in the classroom.

Question 8.

How does he describe the old kind of teachers?


He says that the old teachers did not live in the house. They had a special building and all the kids went there. They gave homework to students. They were not mechanical teachers, but living human beings.

IV. Answer each of these questions in two or three paragraphs. (100-150 words).

Question 1.

What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolrooms that Margie and Tommy have in the story?


Margie and Tommy have mechanical teachers. They need not go to school for getting a formal education. The mechanical teacher is placed in one of the rooms of the house and they can get the knowledge of various subjects individually from the mechanical teacher. They don’t have such classrooms where students sit together. The study from the tale books. So they don’t require books and exercise books. The examination system is very different. They do homework differently. Margie has to write them out in a punch code. She learned it when she was six years old. So the system of their education is technologically advanced and not based on printed books.

Question 2.

Why did Margie hate school? Why did she think the old kind of school must have been fun?


Margie hated her school because she had a mechanical teacher. It was in her house. She was supposed to sit in that room alone to complete her home task or assignments. The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. She thought that the old schools must have been fun because the students used to sit together in the classroom. They enjoyed, laughed, and shouted in the schoolyard. Children needed company to enhance their skills. If they are isolated, they get depressed and dejected.

Question 3.

Do you agree with Margie that schools today are more fun than the school in the story? Give reasons for your answer.


There is no doubt that today’s schools are more funnier than the future school discussed in the story. This school has nothing but a mechanical teacher with no emotions and sentiments. It cannot understand the psychology of a child. Moreover, it guides a pupil according to its adjusted modes. But today’s schools work for the overall development of a child. They learn the same thing. The teachers are real human beings. They leam how to adapt themselves to new surroundings and cope with strangers. The students sit and leam together. These activities don’t give vent to the feelings of depression, alienation, and segregation.

Thinking about language (Page 11)

I. Adverbs

Read this sentence taken from the story:

They had once taken Tommy’s teacher away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out completely. The word complete is an adjective. When you add -ly to it, it becomes an adverb.

Question 1.

Find the sentences in the lesson which match the adverbs given in the box below,


awfully… and it was awfully funny… (paragraph1)

sorrowfully… until her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully… (para 3)completely… the history sector had blanked out completely (para 5)loftilyHe added loftily… (para 6)carefully… pronouncing the word carefully,… (para 6)differently… each kid has to be taught differently, (para 8)

Question 2.

Now use these adverbs to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

The report must be read ……………….. so that performance can be improved.

During the interview, Sameer answered our questions ……………….., shrugging his shoulders.

We all behave ……………….. when we are tired or hungry.

The teacher shook her head ……………….. when Ravi lied to her.

I ……………….. forgot about it.

When I complimented Revathi on her success, she just smiled ……………….. and turned away.

The President of the Company is ……………….. busy and will not be able to meet you.

I finished my work ……………….. so that I could go out to play.











An adverb describes the action. You can form adverbs by adding -ly to adjectives.

Spelling Note: When an adjective ends in -y, the y changes to I when you add -ly to form an adverb.

For example angry → angry-i-ly

Question 3.

Make adverbs from these adjectives.

angry …………….

happy …………….

merry …………….

sleepy …………….

easy …………….

noisy …………….

tidy …………….

gloomy …………….


angry — angrily

happy — happily

merry — merrily

sleepy — sleepily

easy — easily

noisy — noisily

tidy — tidily

gloomy — gloomily

II. If not and Unless

 Imagine that Margie’s mother told her, “You’ll feel awful if you don’t finish your history lesson.”

She could also say: “You’ll feel awful unless you finish your history lesson.” Unless means if not. Sentences with unless or if not are negative conditional sentences.

Notice that these sentences have two parts. The part that begins with if not or unless tells us the condition. This part has a verb in the present tense (look at the verbs don’t finish, finish in the sentences above).

The other part of the sentence tells us about a possible result. It tells us what will happen (if something else doesn’t happen). The verb in this part of the sentence is in the future tense (you’ll feel you will feel).

Notice these two tenses again in the following examples:

i. Future Tense ii. Present Tense

 There won’t be any books left unless we preserve them. You won’t leam your lessons

you don’t



 Tommy will have an accident unless he drives more slowly.

Question 1.

Complete the following conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verb.

If I don’t go to Anu’s party tonight,………………………..

If you don’t telephone the hotel to order food,………………………..

Unless you promise to write back, I………………………..

If she doesn’t play any games,………………………..

Unless that little bird flies away quickly, the cat………………………..


If I don’t go to Anu’s party tonight, she will get annoyed.

If you don’t telephone the hotel to order food, you will miss your evening meal.

Unless you promise to write back, I shall keep requesting you.

If she does not play any games, she will become lethargic and unfit.

Unless that little bird flies away quickly, the cat will pounce on it.

Writing (Page 12)

A newly revised volume of Isaac Asimov’s short stories has just been released. Order one set. Write a letter to the publisher, Mind fame Private Limited, 1632 Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi, requesting that a set be sent to you by Value Payable Post (VPP), and giving your address. Your letter will have the following parts.

Addresses of the sender and receiver

The salutation

The body of the letter

The closing phrases and signature Your letter might look like this:

Your address ……………………………………..


Date ………………. (DD/MM/YY)

The addressee’s address



Dear Sir/Madam,



Yours sincerely,

Your signature

Remember that the language of a formal letter is different from the colloquial style of personal letters. For example, contracted forms such as ‘I’ve’ or ‘can’t’ are not used.


000, Sec. 30


22 Oct, 20...

M/s, ..... Private Ltd.

5560, BB Road Bangalore

Sub: Request for the new volume of Isaac Asimov’s short stories.


I just came to know that a newly revised volume of Isaac Asimov’s short stories has just been released.

I will be very grateful if you send one set of this volume as early as possible to my mailing address.

Yours faithfully,

Bikash Sekh


1. A DD for ₹ 10,000/- (Uco Bank of India,  No. 547000 payable at Bangalore).

Speaking (Page 14)

In groups of four discuss the following topic.

‘The Schools of the Future Will Have No Books and No Teachers! ’

Your group can decide to speak for or against the motion. After this, each group will select a speaker to present its views to the entire class.

You may find the following phrases useful to present your argument in the debate.

In my opinion . . .

I/we fail to understand why . . .

I wholeheartedly support/oppose the view that . . .

At the outset let me say . . .

I’d/we’d like to raise the issue of/to argue against. . .

I should like to draw attention to . . .

My/our worthy opponent has submitted that . . .

On the contrary . . .

I firmly reject . . .


In favor of the motion.

The schools of the future will have no books and no teachers because of . . .

the emerging computer and digital technologies.

the widespread availability of internet links.

the innovative educational and application software.

the parent's attitudinal changes.

the non-availability of skilled, competent, and experienced teachers.

considerable emphasis on vocational courses.

the pupils’ broader perspective.

the modern and latest electronic gadgets.

ingenious invention of educational CDs and TV programs.

excessive wastage of stationery.

Against the motion.

The schools of the future will have no books. As a result,

the modem students will become the slaves of machines.

the teachers will be replaced by mechanical instructors.

the educationists will not intend to teach the students humanity and ethics.

the modern man will become materialistic and commercial.

the human beings will have no sentiments and human values.

the students will become arrogant and indisciplined.

the future of posterity is in dark.

the students will have no respect for their parents, elders, and peers.

the feelings of the fraternity will be no more.

the harmonious growth of a child will have no significance.

                     The Road Not Taken

Thinking about the poem.
Question 1.
Where does the traveler find himself?
What problem does he face?
The traveler finds himself at a point where two roads diverge. His problem is to decide on which road he should walk.

Question 2.
Discuss what these phrases mean to you.
(i) a yellow wood
(ii) it was grassy and wanted wear
(iii) the passing there
(iv) leaves no step had trodden black
(v) how way leads on to way
(i) A forest in the autumn season.
(ii) The road was grassy because it was a less traveled road.
(iii) It wanted people to move on it.
(iv) It implies walking on the road.
(v) It means the leaves had not been crushed under the feet of travelers.
How does one road lead to another?
Question 3.
Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them?
(i) in stanzas two and three?
(ii) in the last two lines of the poem?
(i) There is no difference between the two roads in stanzas two and three
(ii) In the last two lines of the poem the poet tells that the road he opted for is less traveled.
Question 4.
What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? (Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it?)
The last two lines have the quintessence of the poem. The poet expresses his opinion that it becomes difficult for a normal human being to change his/her decision. The poet intends to walk on the first road but he couldn’t do so because life does not offer multiple chances to choose. The decision taken may mar one’s future or lead one to success. It makes all the difference. He now repents for not getting a chance to travel on the first road.

Question 1.
Have you ever had to make a difficult choice (or do you think you will have difficult choices to make)? How will you make the choice (for what reasons)?
Such situations occur in everyone’s life. In today’s world, people have numerous alternatives. But the decision should be taken after considering all the ins and outs of the situation. We must ruminate over the disadvantages also.

Students can write their own experiences.

Question 2.
After you have made a choice do you always think about what might have been or do you accept the reality?
One should live in the present and not in the past. The philosophy of ‘is’ is the key to attaining success. Life is not a bed of roses. Its hurdles are to be crossed bravely. One must not feel nervous and get dejected in trying circumstances. In some instances, one needs to be confident about the choice he/she makes.

                        The Sound Of Music- Part-I

I. Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each.

Q.1.How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music?
Evelyn was not even seventeen when she went to the Royal Academy of Music.

Q.2. When was her deafness first noticed? When was it confirmed?
Answer: Her deafness was noticed when she was eight-year-old. It was confirmed by the time she was eleven.

II. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (30-40 words).

Q.1.Who helped her to continue with music? What did he do and say?
Answer: Ron Forbes helped her to continue with music. He spotted her potential and said, “Don’t listen through your ears, try to sense it some other way.” He began by turning two large drums into different notes.

Q.2. Name the various places and causes for which Evelvn performs.
Answer: Evelyn performed free concerts in prisons and hospitals. She made music her life and performed many regular concerts.
III. Answer the question in two or three paragraphs (100-150 words).

Q.1. How does Evelyn hear music?
Evelyn became deaf by the time she was eleven. But she did not give up. She was determined to lead a normal life and pursue her interest in music. Ron Forbes, a percussionist spotted her potential. He asked her not to listen through ears but to try to sense it some other way. She realized she could feel the higher drum from the waist up and the lower one from the waist down. Forbes repeated the exercise and soon Evelyn discovered that she could sense certain notes in different parts of her body. She learned to open her body and mind to sounds and vibrations. She explained, “It pours in through every part of my body. It tingles in the skin, my cheekbones, and even in my hair.” When she played on the xylophone, she could sense the sound passing up the stick into her fingertips. By leaning against the drums, she could feel the resonances flowing into her body. On the wooden floor, she used to remove her shoes so that the vibrations may pass through her bare feet and up her legs.

                The Shehnai Of Bismillah Khan
Tick the right answer.
1. The (shehnai, pungi) was a ‘reeded noisemaker.’
2. (Bismillah Khan, A barber, Ali Bux) transformed the pungi into a shehnai.
3. Bismillah Khan’s paternal ancestors were (barbers, and professional musicians).
4. Bismillah Khan learned to play the shehnai from (Ali Bux, Paigambar Bux, and Ustad Faiyaaz Khan).
5. Bismillah Khan’s first trip abroad was to (Afghanistan, the U.S.A., and Canada).
1. Pungi
2. A barber
3. Professional musicians
4. Ali bux
5. Afghanistan
Find the words in the text which show Ustad Bismillah Khan’s feelings about the items listed below. Then mark a tick (✓) in the correct column. Discuss your answers in class.

Bismillah Khan’s feelings aboutPosit­iveNegat­iveNeutral

1.  teaching children music
2.  the film world
3.  migrating to the U.S.A.
4.  playing at temples
5.  getting the Bharat Ratna
6.  the banks of the Ganga
7.   leaving Benaras and Dumraon

1. Positive
2. Negative
3. Negative
4. Neutral
5. Positive
6. Positive
7. Negative

III. Answers these questions in 30-40 words.
1. Why did Aurangzeb ban the playing of the Pungi?
Answer:- Aurangzeb banned the playing of the pungi because it had a shrill and unpleasant sound.
2. How is a shehnai different from a pungi?

Shehnai is a pipe with a natural hollow that is longer and broader than a pungi. It has seven holes on the body of the pipe.

3. Where was the shehnai played traditionally? How did Bismillah Khan change this?

The shehnai was played traditionally in the temple at the royal courts and on the occasion of weddings. The credit must go to Bismillah Khan to take this instrument onto the classical stage.

4. When and how did Bismillah Khan get his big break?

Bismillah Khan got his big break with the opening of the All India Radio in Lucknow in 1938.

5. Where did Bismillah Khan play the shehnai on 15 August 1947? Why was the event historic?

Bismillah Khan played the shehnai on 15 August 1947 at the Red Fort. He was the first Indian to greet the nation with his musical instrument. This event was historic because We got independence on that day. He poured his heart out in the presence of a large number of people including Pt. Jawahar Lai Nehru.

6. Why did Bismillah Khan refuse to start a shehnai school in the U.S.A.?

He refused to start a shehnai school in the USA because he never wanted to leave India. He loved India so much and he did not want to settle anywhere except India. That is why whenever he was in a foreign country, he kept yearning to see Hindustan.

7. Find at least two instances in the text which tell you that Bismillah Khan loves India and Benaras.

Bismillah Khan loves India and Banaras The sound of Music 197 from the bottom of his heart. He says that he misses the holy Ganga and India when he goes abroad. While in Mumbai, he thinks of only Benaras and the holy river. And when he is in Benaras, he remembers the unique mattha of Dumraon.

I. Look at these sentences.

  • Evelyn was determined to live a normal life.
  • Evelyn managed to conceal her growing deafness from friends and teachers.

The italicized parts answer the questions:

“What was Evelyn determined to do?” and “What did Evelyn manage to do?” They begin with a to-verb {to live, to conceal). Complete the following sentences. Beginning with a to-verb, try to answer the questions in brackets.

1. The school sports team hopes ………….. (What does it hope to do?)
2. We all want ………….. (What do we all want to do?)
3. They advised the hearing-impaired child’s mother ………….. (What did they advise her to do?)
4. The authorities permitted us to ………….. (What did the authorities permit us to do?)
5. A musician decided to ………….. (What did the musician decide to do?)
1. to win
2. to succeed
3. to take her to a specialist
4. play
5. play a new Raaga

II. From the text on Bismillah Khan, find the words and phrases that match these definitions and write them down. The number of paragraphs where you will find the words/phrases has been given to you in brackets.

1. the home of royal people (1) …………..
2. the state of being alone (5) …………..
3. a part which is necessary (2) …………..
4. to do something not done before (5) …………..
5. without much effort (13) …………..
6. quickly and in large quantities (9) ………….. and …………..
1. royal residence
2. solitude
3. an indispensable component
4. improvise
5. effortlessly
6. thick; fast.

III. Tick the right answer.

1. When something is revived, it (remains dead and lives again).
2. When a government bans something, it wants it (stopped/started).

3. When something is considered auspicious (welcome it/avoid it).
4. When we take to something, we find it (boring/interesting).
5. When you appreciate something, you (find it good and useful/find it of no use).
6. When you replicate something, you do it (for the first time/for the second time).
7. When we come to terms with something, it is (still upsetting/no longer upsetting).

Answer:  1. lives again 2. stopped 3. welcome it 4. interesting 5. find it good and useful 6. for the second time 7. no longer upsetting.

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